Monday, March 10, 2014

The Myths and Facts About Faster Software Delivery Using Agile

Overview: Join noted author and agile project management expert Kevin Aguanno as he explains the misconceptions and the underlying truths about faster software delivery using agile methods and uncovers the preconditions to achieving speed. Along the way he will discuss the more easily achievable benefits of agile and how speed comes with higher levels of agile maturity. 

Why Should You Attend : When asking people why they want to use agile delivery methods, one of the most common reasons I hear is that they want to "deliver faster." It seems that there is a widespread frustration with the way administrative bureaucracy, inefficient development processes, and overburdening governance processes impede project performance. In many cases, an apparently simple, short development project cannot be delivered quickly because of the process and governance overheads that stretch the project out across the calendar and act as a multiplier on the estimated project budget.

Of course, project sponsors are frustrated with this situation - I'd be frustrated too. Needless red tape slowing down a project is a liability that should be rooted out and eradicated within our organizations. The problem, however, is that agile methods are not about delivering faster; rather, their benefits are in other areas.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • What is driving our need for speed
  • Agile benefits achievable at LOW maturity levels
  • Agile benefits achievable at HIGH maturity levels
  • Preconditions for faster agile software delivery
  • Case studies
  • Q&A

Who Will Benefit:

  • Project Managers
  • Delivery Managers
  • Development Leads
  • Software Developers
  • Portfolio Managers
  • Software Testers
Speaker Profile:
Kevin Aguanno With over 25 years of managing complex systems integration and software development projects, Kevin Aguanno is known in the industry for his innova­tive approaches to solving common project management problems. He focuses on two project management specialty areas: agile project management and troubled project recovery. As a well-known keynote speaker, trainer, and coach in agile management meth­ods, Aguanno has taught thousands of people how to better manage high-change projects by using techniques from Scrum, Extreme Programming, Feature-Driven Development, OpenUP and other agile methods. He is a frequent presenter at conferences and private corporate events where he delights audiences with practical advice peppered with fascinating stories from his own experiences in the trenches practicing agile project management. 

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